Sunday, April 7, 2013


I was in a good mood that Saturday morning, so keep the wife smiling so buat rajin.. help tidy up the store and OOO..LA..LA.  found my old postcard.  Hmmm.  though it all burnt up when we move up to Kedah last 6 years.These postcard I collected in early 1980's.  Got it when bought the local national humor magzine GILA-GILA.  I being keeping it for years till now, some of it damage due to rodent and termites. For some Otai Malaysian a smile on the face (wide one I think)'s recalled old memories.  The cartoonis  Late Rejab Had, Long, Kerengge, Tazidi, Zainal Buang Hussien, Don, Rasyid Asmawi and others.

There more of these. I update later.
Please don't request these GILA-GILA for swaps or WTB... NOT FOR SALES..

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